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S1 PUBLIC HEALTH SPAIN - Do not walk away completely from PRIVATE HEALTH.


When your diagnosis is SERIOUS we all look to SPEED up the care we need.

With this policy - You and your partner can travel across the world to obtain the very best treatment and care money can buy. CHECK OUT ACTUAL COSTS BELOW !


SEEK CANCER TREATMENT at the Mt Sinai Hospital New York.

SEEK CANCER TREATMENT at the Royal Marsden London.

We offer a stand alone Critical Illness Insurance at a very affordable price.

Maybe you are planning to leave Private Health for Public Health, but would like an affordable back-up plan.

Lets face it when a critical illness strikes a loved one we all look for the the fast track options.

Send your critical illness reports, scans, test, results and diagnosis to the DKV Serious Illness Doctor panel who review the diagnosis and will provide treatment options wh


Concierge SERVICE to manage your medical care -

Expert Medical Team to plan your treatment then you Choose where to Travel Abroad with you companion to receive the very best medical treatments and care that money can buy.

UPTO 1million Euros a year and upto 2 million in life of the policy


25yrs to 34 yrs -pay 6,61€ a month

35yrs to 44 yrs - pay 9,66€ a month

45yrs to 54 yrs - pay 19,57€ a month

55yrs to 64 yrs - pay 33,69€ a month

65yrs to 75yrs - pay 46,73€ a month

No other insurer in SPAIN has a product like this.

For brochure and more information contact us at Tailor Made Healthcare Spain.

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