The Only Medical Insurance in Spain for the 75 plus age group
We receive many enquires a month for this over 75s Medical Insurance and the reason for this is that there is no other insurer in Spain who will consider Insuring anyone over the age of 75.
In comparison to the DKV Integral Insurance it falls far short of the cover. This policy does not offer preventative screening and there are clauses where if you are injured in a car accident there is no cover.
This is an insurance which is not available in all of Spain's provinces. We are also quick to point out that there are very few medical centres that accept the Seleccion Medical Card and each year we see less and less location options. So there you have it an insurance that falls short of what is required for peace of mind. Yet despite this some people take the attitude some cover is better than no cover and decide to proceed with the 110,00€ per month that it costs.
In fact we prefer not to sell this insurance as it is not a great product. However we do so because it does suit some people who are over 75 that need to show the Government Authorities that they have health cover. We have also seen a number of over 75s use the Policy to obtain Visa or Residency despite the fact that it does have a 3 euro Copago (policy excess per claim) which essentially means that the authorities if being strict may refuse residency/visa because it has a Copago.
So the upshot is that we will sell you this policy but warn you of the shortfalls from day 1.
DKV do still sell you a Normal Comprehensive policy if you are just under 75 and once insured as long as you pay you can continue the policy for your life time. If you are a particularly fit 75 yr old and not reached 75 1/2 years of age we might possibly still convince DKV to offer you a standard comprehensive policy. This would be at the Insurers discretion.
So the decision is yours. Not often you get an agent who does not want to sell a product but there you go we like to be honest and as I say for some people some cover is better than NO COVER
Article by Francis Payne
Tailor Made Healthcare Solutions Spain
Tel. 0034 956 777 905
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